"I'm goin to...

I leave tomorrow morning for 10 days of backpacking in the Pioneer Mountains of southwestern Montana. I am armed with multiple layers of poly-wicking-all-knowing clothing, SPF50+ sunscreen, and my camera. See you good people when I get back.
Busy, busy beeIt's that time of year, when activities outnumber free hours and especially with no 'net access at work I have precious little time to blog. But I'm thinking of you, Dear Reader...I'm not ignoring you, avoiding you, or playing games with you. I mean, it's not like we're dating.
In the last week especially the schedule has gone into overdrive between working, Kristin's visit (which included forays to chez Suzi, Boulevard Woodgrill, Difficult Run Trail in Great Falls, and Little Viet Garden), and meeting the Susie bridesmaids at Carlyle Grand. I'm headed to Virginia Beach this weekend for the Shelbster's high school graduation, and then I'm barely around next week before I head to Montana. Seriously, I'm now booking myself into July and August because the opportunities for fun, they are many, but the time to have them, it is dwindling.
But the main reason I am here today is to wish two very special ladies a very wonderful 30th birthday. In no particular order (other than when I met them):
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CORINNA!!** Corinna is my oldest friend, from high school, when we were...wait for it...on the flag squad of the marching band together. We also both made the excellent decision to attend W&M and so have been tizzzzight for over 15 years. Even though she chooses to make her home on the opposite side of the country, and I miss her terribly, I still think of her cruising around with me after we finished our shifts at TJ Maxx, looking for fun and trouble on the cruel streets of Harrisonburg. That is, when the car didn't get stuck behind a Mennonite horse and buggy.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRACE!! Grace and I have only known each other a mere 10 years. On the windswept plains of Montpellier, France during a summer abroad we joined forces to loathe and talk shit about everything French and, in general, European going on around us. Hate is a powerful joining force and don't let anyone tell you differently. Vroom^2 was the first in what is now my pantheon of Asian friends and a better ambassador for her people is not to be found anywhere else. She moves back to NYC at the end of this month and while I'm sad to see her go, it also means opening up a whole new geographical area in which we will sit, drink coffee, people-watch, and judge. Good times.
**Does not apply until her actual birthday, Sunday, June 18th.
SHELBY!!!!!Today Shelby Alyse turns 18 years old. Next weekend she graduates from high school and in August she heads for JMU (hence the color scheme), and I seriously could not be more proud of her. I have watched this girl grow and learn and become such an amazing person. She is kind, funny, modest, clever, talented, generous, and an hilariously cool teenager (which is hands-down the best compliment in my book, teenagers being what they are). I love this kid to pieces and proclaim her glories to all the world. Happy Birthday, dearest!!
This is almost belated because Blogger was being a bit shitty shit today but:1.
Congratulations, Kristin, on finally finishing your Quarter From Hell. This girl is seriously the most dedicated and tested graduate student on the planet, people, and yet she continues to kick almighty Northwestern ASS. Can't wait to have you home for some R&R.
Happy TWENTIETH (20th) Anniversary to my sister Kathy and her husband Billy. For rill, twenty years is just insane to me. I wrote them today about how I still remember how I was child-labor press-ganged into hand-wrapping *hundreds* of little tulle baggies of birdseed for their reception. I was 10 and yet the sting lingers....
Checking inI don't have any particular inspiration to guide today's post, but I thought I should say hi and welcome everyone to the first full week of June. Yeah, that's lame, but it's about all I gots. Last week took it out of me for a reason that doesn't deserve going into on this happy-go-lucky blog but 2 nights of 12-hour sleeps, a fun, sunny Sunday and rediscovering the healing power of the
shandy have me back on the right track, thank God.
I have today off and treated myself to 2 new CDs (courtesy of a birthday gift certificate--thanks Susie and Jerry!) and am now enjoying the new
Dixie Chicks CD and the rereleased
solo effort of my sexy boyfriend John Rich. Both excellent, both highly recommended. I'm taking the day off from running because I did another 5K yesterday morning--the 2nd annual
Mutts Strut to benefit the Washington Animal Rescue League. Dave and D and Scout were there, too, to do the 2-mile fun walk so I slogged through this one solo and managed to clock a new personal best (which, bear in mind, is only my 3rd timed running of a 5K so getting new, better times is not a big feat). The company inspired a renewal of my desire to have a dog, but my life is pretty much in the same place its been for a while and that means no time or space for furry friend and so that must wait. After the run Pam and I headed to Wolf Trap for the 17th annual
Swamp Romp and it was AWESOME. Like a county fair and a concert rolled into one. Much drinking, dancing, watching the second line and observing dozens around us who were tanked to within an inch of their lives = good times.
ps...for those of you arriving via BackFence.com, welcome. I don't know how I got listed on the site, but I'm happy to see new faces.
Taking pictures while sitting down insures good blocking...
I think John Schneider (Papa Kent) is on stage in this...

The sunset was amazing

Personally, I think the Halls of Justice give this a run for the money

I've been busy and lazy and haven't felt like blogging, but I've been up to quite a bit. My sister Malia was in town last weekend so I got some days off. I met her new beau, Arden, and we all had dinner at
Bistro du Coin (where the tartines treated me right, per Suzi's recommendation). Then Sunday Pam and I headed for the annual PBS Memorial Day Concert at the Capitol. I was there for one reason only:
BIG & RICHUnfortunately they only sang one song (
8th of November) but it was still totally worth it. We took a picnic and sat out about an hour before the show, people watching and keeping me from storming B&R's tour bus. The idea that I was 100 yards from
John Rich almost made me stroke out, but I didn't disgrace my family and kept my cool.
Monday was totally about vegetating in the increasing heat and then PEbs and I saw
Da Vinci Code at
The Old Town Theater in Alexandria. While enjoying a pre-movie beer outside we ended up sitting next to the owner. He invited us in when he went to set up the projector so we saw/helped him thread all EIGHT reels onto the 5' diameter wheel that spools the film. Add to that sitting on the balcony to see the movie and some of my favorite Bugs Bunny cartoons as pre-film entertainment and it was a perfect viewing.
Wednesday that Eby and I went to the Shakespeare Free for All in Rock Creek Park. I'd been up since 4am so the final act tested my staying power, but it was worth it.
Pericles was one I hadn't seen or read before, and watching with the sky and stars for a roof...perfect.
ADD=tired-but-good-busy. Happy summer, kids.