Sunday, September 28, 2008

What Nate does at work

This story is about his ship, the HOWARD. Help me say prayers for him and all his sailors y'all.


At 15/3/18 13:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello everyone!

As you know, herbs or natural medicines are part of the Native way. They are used for cleansing, finding balance, connecting with Mother Earth and the Creator, expressing gratitude, etc. As well as healing ailments in a natural way.

As a mental health professional, I absolutely understand that at times, medication is essential. healing secretsEssential to balance one’s biochemistry for example. I have and do take medication at times as well but when possible, I would rather use what Mother Earth gives us.

I most say this to you, scientific medications are not only answer to our health problems sometimes it best answer to roots and herbs in native ways, my brothers and sisters come let solve that pain that cause you sleepless nights and by the Grace of God your problems will be solved.

For consultation and health advice



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