Aithne's great, and it was time, but...I cried the whole way home without him. I realized while talking to Christie that I've had this car HALF MY LIFE. We bought him when I was 16 and I put the bulk of his 120,802 miles on him. He saw so many trips, so many dates, so many moves. He *never* broke down on me, ever. It seems silly, to feel so much for a conglomeration of metal and gaskets and cloth and plastic, but I...miss him. For a 4-cylinder, 2.2 liter stick shift with few extras, he was a badass motherfucker and I imagine that I'll be reminiscing about him into my rocking chair years. He was DPU 384, (USNA) MTD 58, (NASM) SPYNVY, and once work made me keep a low profile, JVR-1156. But wherever he is, he'll always be a Doss.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Aithne's great, and it was time, but...I cried the whole way home without him. I realized while talking to Christie that I've had this car HALF MY LIFE. We bought him when I was 16 and I put the bulk of his 120,802 miles on him. He saw so many trips, so many dates, so many moves. He *never* broke down on me, ever. It seems silly, to feel so much for a conglomeration of metal and gaskets and cloth and plastic, but I...miss him. For a 4-cylinder, 2.2 liter stick shift with few extras, he was a badass motherfucker and I imagine that I'll be reminiscing about him into my rocking chair years. He was DPU 384, (USNA) MTD 58, (NASM) SPYNVY, and once work made me keep a low profile, JVR-1156. But wherever he is, he'll always be a Doss.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Off the grid
For the next 2 1/2 months I'll be gone, at training for work. I'll probably check in occasionally, but I just wanted you to know where Aithne and I are.
For the next 2 1/2 months I'll be gone, at training for work. I'll probably check in occasionally, but I just wanted you to know where Aithne and I are.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I don't mean for these posts to be me and various just happens that way.
We were in the Adirondacks last weekend visiting family and I took my first ATV ride. We covered 27 miles of various terrain (all the while me clutching the handlebars for dear life). So fun. So relaxing. So didn't want to come back.