Say hello to my little friend
After months and months...and months of researching and contemplation, I finally bought a new car yesterday. It's a 2007 Mazda 6i automatic. I know. But after all those years of shifting in DC traffic and on I95 I broke a little and gave in to the powers of convenience. TechTronic shifting helps me keep my street cred juuuust a little bit. Mine looks exactly like this, except I have a moonroof. It's a girl, but I'm still waiting for the name to reveal itself to me.
Things have come full circle...my first car was a silver 1988 Mazda 626LX that I called Bullet. This is my first totally new car ever. I am simultaneously thrilled and crapping my pants at signing a check for that much money. USAA now owns me wholly. But the new car smell makes it all worth it. ;)
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