It makes me feel better just knowing that a fridge stocked like this exists. It is, of course, in wonderful New Zealand. That's all chocolate in the wrappered packages, btw. Chocolate, soda, and champagne. Heaven.
I especially need the boost at the end of what's been a very hard week. On top of the plumbing debacle, work was particularly grueling. A paper, briefing, and several upsetting subject matter lectures (remember who I work for and what sorts of cases we do) have sucked all the life out of me and my classmates.
Now I'm sitting here waiting for a delayed flight into BWI...and tomorrow will be getting up at 5:45 to be at school by 8 to work on another project. I know it'll all get done and this too shall pass but I'm feeling a bit scraped and worn thin lately. Oh well, just my time, I guess. Sigh.

Not lettin' that Murphy bastard get me down!

Don't say I never did anything for you
So, as mentioned before, I'm away for training for work. It's semi-local but still in-residence, so I'm only home on nights when I come back to DC for grad school classes and the occasional weekend. This past weekend was earmarked, wholly, for the researching and writing of 2 papers for grad school (FYI training is also a school-esque environment, so I'm essentially in class between 8 and 11 hours a day will the attending tests, briefs, papers, etc. Jealous?). But Mr. Murphy and his law had other plans. I woke up Saturday morning to water flowing from the ceiling of the bathroom down the wall and onto the floor. Fast-forward to Sunday night when plumbers have been in and fixed that leak but there's a big HOLE in the ceiling of my shower. Oh well, caught it early, all can be fixed, fine.
Then this morning, I'm back @ training when I get a call from the upstairs neighbor telling me that another, different pipe burst and gallons of water have flowed from his bathroom upstairs through the light fixture in my ceiling and into my closet. The only closet in my apartment. The one with all, all, ALL of my clothes, shoes, accessories, holiday decorations, bulbs, extension cords, supplies, you name it. I jam out of training and come home to find that my wonderful upstairs neighbor (seriously, he is a lifesaver; if not for him this would have been much worse) had emptied out my closet into the other rooms of the apartment and triaged the damage as much as possible. But now my apartment looks like a rummage sale. A WET rummage sale.
I've called my insurance (See?! THIS is why you need renters insurance, people) and my landlady is on top of things...carpets are drying, things are being dry cleaned, humidifiers are running to get up every drop of moisture...and we're muddling through.
I present all of this to you so that you know that your day? It could have been worse.

Just so that I don't go all of October without you guys hearing from me...
Special thanks to PYIBill for the shout-out. As for the half-body tattoo, don't tempt him. He's looking to add to the cuerpo tally.