Cuban taekwondo Olympian kicks referee; banned from sport for lifeI don't condone the action, but the picture is pretty priceless.
An Irish BlessingSeveral folks have sent this to me, knowing Nathaniel's and my affinity for all things Irish. It's a beautiful collection of images of the Emerald Isle with a lovely traditional Celtic song playing in the background. Just something nice to give you a few minutes quiet if you need it.
Delicious with a side of hit-and-runI had dinner last night with Erin and Brian and got to see their *fabulous* new home in north Arlington. Seriously, I need a whole palette of greens to cover my envy. But as Erin is THIS pregnant I guess they need the space to branch out in.
While we were enjoying the continually un-August-like weather, sitting on the back porch, we heard a "Crash!", saw tail lights, and then saw those tail lights as they faded into small specks. Someone had side-swiped Brian's car (parked curbside) and then kept going!! And there I was about to say how nice it must be for them to get out of the city and into the quiet, safe 'burbs. Shame on you, Virginia!!

Copyright to Stefan Petranek, and proprietary rights for the cuteness to Christina and Stefan, who welcomed baby Emmet Johann on Friday afternoon. I am already referring to myself as his auntie...C&S, I hope that's OK with you. Hi nephew Emmet!!!!
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Rabideau!!Kristin and Todd were blissfully wed yesterday in an idyllic home ceremony, enjoying weather that I have NEVER seen in August in all my life living in Virginia. Clearly, the gods smile on this union.