Thursday, February 14, 2008

I like to use this day the way my dad did... Weeks ahead of time he would go to Hallmark and pore over the selections, picking out something sweet and personal for every single person in the family. For him it was a day about caring, and telling the people who mattered to you just that. Branch out; couples don't have a lock on VD. Oh, wait... ;)

From me, to ALL of you, Happy Valentine's Day, folks.

PS: I know juxtaposing that post with this picture is somewhat contrary, but I just love this painting. However this particular scenario is not for all of you. Just a certain sailor....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Oh, how I wish this were me. I haven't updated recently because life is, well, busy. School just finished for the winter quarter and I'm off for several lovely weeks that will be full of traveling. Things are good, if hectic. You should see my "to do" lists! Wouldn't it be better to snooze and play with my belly button? I think so, too.