Sunday, February 27, 2005

I might not have to go to work tomorrow. None of us on the I-95 corridor (as puts it) are going anywhere, from the looks of things. A big 'ol storm is working its way up from the South and could dump up to 10 inches of snow here before it's done sometime Tuesday morning. I've always maintained...the worst storms I've seen in my life have always been in February or March. Nothing like the last-minute smackdown from Mother Nature.

I watched some DVRd Justice League this morning and man, that show is awesome. There's a hilarious one about Booster Gold and how no one knows who he see him perform some feat or deed and then hear the human, quietly from the background, "Thanks, Green Lantern!!" I guess you had to be there, but trust me, pretty clever shit. And I'm still bowled over by the voice talent. One of the eps I watched had my sweetie Jeremy Piven in it, so you KNOW it had my full attention.

Do you want to hear about how I saw Pam's new house last night? Or how great it is? Or that I am seriously jealous? No? OK. Then I won't tell you about getting a phat pizza from Primo's either, or going to the bakery in the same shopping center and buying frosted shamrock cookies. Nor will I mention watching Napoleon Dynamite again (she hadn't seen it...can you imagine?! The horror.) None of that interests you. I get it.

I am actually, not for fake, for rill, going running today. So I should probably, um, you know, go do that.



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