Wednesday, October 06, 2004

An open letter to my fellow shopper in Filene's Basement:

GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. And pick your friends more wisely (which, it should be noted, also requires that you follow stipulation 1. set out previously). You and your Elvira-esque compatriot (ease up on the red lipstick when you are pale as death, lady) were out using the 3-way mirror in the nearly-full dressing room. I stood in the middle of said room, looked right at you both, and asked if you were using the one dressing room that I could find to be unoccupied. You BOTH looked back at me and said, "No." I went into said room and (luckily) before I began trying things on, I hear an impatient rapping on the door. "Excuse me! I was in there!" I open the door to find, well, YOU, Idiot Dressing Room Woman. "I was in there!" you repeat, to which I replied, "I. just. stood. here. and asked you both. WERE. YOU. USING. THIS. ROOM." You: "Well, I wasn't paying attention." Hmm, well, maybe I won't be paying strict attention when I kick your idiot asses. It's not getting bounced from the stall that bothers me--it's that you had the gall to look PUT OUT by me, and Elvira over there rolled her eyes. Ex-fucking-cuse me?! Note to you: the fault here? ALL YOURS. Note to me: get down on my knees tonight and pray to god that neither of you ever procreates.

At least I got some very cute pants, on sale no less. If all I had to show for my time there was my sorry interaction with you it might have had to be broughten.


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