Sunday, September 24, 2006

Where was my tailwind??

Let's hope I did start a tradition today: I ran the Navy 5-miler....wait for it....WITHOUT STOPPING. I know: this is not the triumph to end all triumphs. In fact, there was a dude there who was obviously a soldier that had been wounded, about 25 years old, using a cane (and, not for nothing, rilly, rilly good looking) who walked the whole thing and that kicks my ass in countless ways. But still, a big deal for me. I'll be icing my back all night, but it was worth it. With the storm front moving in we had a rockin' headwind (the course went along the Potomac) that I thought would turn into a tailwind for the 2nd half of the run, but NO. The knots came steadily from the front or side the whole way. What's the drag coefficient of a curly brown ponytail?

Funny story: I ran this one on my own (Dave and D, I tip my Deer Park to your memory) so I had pinned my number on my shirt at home before I put it on. I prefer to wear my bib # on my back because otherwise I brush it with my arms as I run and it can get annoying. Anyway, I go to pick up my timing chip when I get there and the woman tells me that I need to have the # on my front...but then the other guy working with her says no, I don't. So I leave it be. I stretch, I walk around, I'm there for about 20 minutes before the race and then, just as we're queuing up, I'm in the throng, moments before we start, some organizer guy comes over and tells me that the number has to be on the front--something about seeing it as I cross the finish line (I ask you, isn't that what the chip is for?? WHY do you need my #?). GREAT. So, in what I feel was a moment where it shows that I went to the College of William and Mary in Virginia, thank you very much, I just pulled in my arms, turned the shirt around, and ran the whole race with my clothing on backward. Cool-headed in a crisis, that is your ADD.

I suppose though, that this means I have to do that for every race from here on out, to keep the good running ju-ju going. Shite.


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