Monday, November 27, 2006

Dishwashers are Jesus' way of saying it's OK to be lazy...

...and other things I love about my new apartment

So I've hinted at it, alluded to it, and consoled Shelby about it--now to elaborate. At the end of September/beginning of October, I got word that my apartment complex had been sold. This info was through back channels, and without anything formal from the new ownership, I didn't give it much thought. Cross that bridge, yadda yadda. Well, in mid-October (read: all of 3 weeks notice) the new owners informed we tenants that our rents were going up $450 A MONTH. For an apartment with roughly 300 square feet that hasn't been renovated since Eisenhower was President. Say it with me: HELL FUCKING NO. But, between school and work, and preexisting plans for out-of-town trips, etc, finding a new place almost pushed your ADD over the edge. I solved this by signing a lease in early November, essentially having both the old apartment and the new one for the entire month of November. Cheap? No. Less hassle? Yes. Thus, once my first quarter officially ended November 9th, The Great Move of '06 began. Lacking boxes I packed the lion's share of my belongings in Trader Joe's brown bags, and enlisted the help of my dear mother (I bribed her with dinner and a Bill Frisell concert, so it wasn't a total loss for her) and the unbelievably good-natured and gracious muscle power of Pam, Suzi, Tom, Steve, and Davida. I brought over the last piece of my stuff on Tuesday before Thanksgiving and turned in the keys Sunday, and now I have just one, cute, convenient, metro-walkable, Penty Row-walkable, 750 square foot, *big* backyarded, garbage disposaled, dishwashered, washer/dryerd, ALL UTILITIES (even cable) INCLUDED apartment that I. Love. I can even have a couch and guests, comfortably. Y'all are invited anytime.


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