Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Well, as of today I've lived in my apartment, on my own, for 2 years. I can still remember what it felt like the first night I slept in the "new" place. How cozy and promising everything was, but also how scary...a new neighborhood, new routines, new solitude. Like so much else these days it feels like yesterday but a lifetime ago, too.

I bellyache about it here--I don't own it, it's rilly, RILLY small, it's old and a bit broke-ass, I have no balcony/porch/yard where I can grill or let my perfect dog (that I can't have) run around. But then I had a nightmare the other night that the owner of my complex sold the buildings and that I had to move. From my perfectly-situated little haven that is reasonably priced in an area where that concept is almost nonexistent, a mere 3 miles from DC.

So I'm lucky that I found it, and lucky to be here, still. Happy Anniversary 7th Street.


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