Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Poor, poor pitiful me

I don't have a lot to add to BlogSport today because I'm in a bit of a moving-induced fog. I've been running full bore for a month now, either physically exhausting myself by slowly moving things from the winter house to the summer house, or mentally exhausting myself by worrying over things like setting up utilities, space issues, and money. I'm very good at the latter, by the way. Professional Worrier.

I keep trying to think of interesting or funny things to contribute to the general blog universe, and so far have a big donut hole. I will tell you, though, that I spilled almost half of a full bottle of Downy fabric softener this morning in my attempt to multitask while butt-tired. I also spent 2+ hours at a used bookstore yesterday trying to sell back things that I didn't want and hadn't managed to offload on Amazon.com. Bottom line on that was the money and trade value weren't worth the time or the drive out to Soulless Centreville. I did however stumble upon the miracle that is Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen cleaner. I was worrying over getting massive black streaks left by futon, bedframes, pictures, etc. off of the walls so that I didn't sacrifice my security deposit to repainting costs, and LAKC became my weapon of choice in this fight. And yes, that should conjure pictures in your mind of me bopping around the summer house a la Christopher Walken, cleaning and soft-shoeing to the dope beats of Fatboy Slim.

More stream-of-consciousness later. Maybe.


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